Uncovering Unconscious Competence and Living Intentionally: A Dialogue with Good Life Coach Donna Martin

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Ever wondered why achieving your goals doesn't always yield the satisfaction you imagined? Tune in to our conversation with Donna Martin, the Good Life coach, and uncover why this happens more often than you think. Donna, with her insightful approach, helps us navigate the nuances of unconscious competence and the importance of addressing persistent issues. She paints a vivid picture of the transformational journey, highlighting how understanding our internal image can be the catalyst for living our best lives.In the second part of our discussion, we break down the concept of mass consciousness, the need for intentional living, and the power of stepping out of our comfort zones. Donna enlightens us on the different levels of mastery and the pivotal role they play in altering our belief systems. She introduces the fascinating concept of a personal 'dimmer switch' and how brightening our light can ignite inspiration around us. The impact of a mentor in her life and the profound role they played in her personal growth is a journey worth hearing.We wrap up our engaging session with Donna by shedding light on the crucial role of intuition in decision-making. She emphasizes the significance of self-awareness, tuning into our intuition for fresh ideas, and the magic of achieving a flow state. We also explore the idea of aligning our decisions with our vision, values, mission, and goals for seamless decision-making. Lastly, we delve into the power of resilience and the importance of a strong vision in overcoming adversity. So, buckle up for an enlightening journey to creating your ultimate tomorrow.Thanks for listening and taking the time to create the life you want. I'd love to hear your story of how you are creating the life you want.Connect with us on https://www.linkedin.com/in/kingsley-colley/https://www.facebook.com/tomorrowisnottodaylifehttps://www.instagram.com/tomorrow_isnot_todayhttps://www.tiktok/tomorrowisnottodayhttps://www.tomorrowisnottoday.com

Speaker 1: What is your vision
for your life? What are your

values? What is your mission?
Why are you here?

Speaker 2: Welcome to the
Tomorrow Is Not Today podcast.

You've already started to create
the life you want just by being

here Design for you as a
business professional so you can

be physically, mentally and
emotionally healthy, more

productive, less stressed and
living a life you truly love. My

name is Kingsley and thank you
for coming on another journey

with one of our uniquely
qualified professionals, donna

Martin. Thank you for joining us
on the Tomorrow Is Not Today

podcast. It's an absolute
pleasure to have you with us


Speaker 1: Oh, you're so welcome
. Thanks, emily, for having me

on Kingsley. It's an absolute

Speaker 2: Maybe some of you are
people. You know you better. I

think I've got the accent, but
from here besides, you're living

in Australia now.

Speaker 1: Yeah, get what the

Speaker 2: Exactly so. First
question I want to ask you. We

always jump straight into the
big question. So, donna Martin,

the Good Life coach, tell me
what is a good life?

Speaker 1: So it's a good life
for me, kingsley, the good life

for my clients, a good life that
I envision For me. It's living

your life your way, in your own
terms, it's me living my life

with my husband and kids, but
it's coming back to me. It's

living how I want to live it, in
financial freedom and time

freedom, in that alignment
freedom for me, for my energy

and then for those around me. So
that's what it is and, as the

Good Life coach and the Good
Life approach that incorporates

your vision, your values, your
mission and your goal. It's that


Speaker 2: That sounds awesome.
So basically, from that, you're

telling me, if we do what you
say today, we'll have time,

we'll have money, we'll have
love, we'll have relationships

and we can do what we like.

Speaker 1: Exactly, it's that
simple, really that simple, but

people overcomplicate it. We
hijack ourselves, sabotage

ourselves and we hijack our

Speaker 2: Okay, awesome. I
can't wait to dive in a little

bit more. So tell me initially.
So who do you actually work with

? Is it mainly men, women,
professionals, everyday people,


Speaker 1: So for me it's really
now, because I've worked with a

lot of different people over my
years and I've attracted mainly

business owners, and for me I
wasn't a business owner to begin

with, I was a nurse and so where
I really understood my niche was

was with other people that were
putting their foot out there,

that were putting themselves
forward and that just tended to

be business owners and leaders,
kingsley in any form and what

they were doing. Because the
leaders tended to have the

qualities of not being afraid to
move forward. They were aware

the personal development was a
catalyst, if you like. That took

them there. They were out in the
box thinkers, and so the main

people that I work now is really
aligning leaders what their good

life, and that's through through
the phenomenal approach of the

good life approach.

Speaker 2: Okay, so, based on
what you said, leaders, business

leaders, those type of people
who you're attracting they're

coming to you because they
actually want to grow, they want

to become better people. Is that

Speaker 1: So for some of them
they've already grew. So maybe

unconsciously, they have just
got to their goal. They've got

to a certain place that they're
always envisaged. So they're

what we will call, maybe an
unconscious competent, where

they weren't aware that their
rest and state, their standard

for actually going for a goal or
going for something to create it

, came easy to them, unknowns to
them, for whatever reason and

this happens for a lot of people
, kingsley, but for the majority

of people it doesn't.
So often you'll find even people

in these elements that do
succeed. They'll find that when

they get to the end, when they
climb to the peak of that

mountain or kind of going okay,
I thought I would feel a certain

way. I thought I would, that the
fanfare would be off and that

something would happen. And then
the reality hits in, and this

reality is for everybody.
Whether you achieve a goal or

whether you don't, whether
you're just feeling stuck and

frustrated, the reality soon
kicks in that you're going I got

what I thought was going to make
me happy. And then you go to

another layer, like an onion,
where you begin understanding

that everything is coming from
your internal, coming from

within, and this is where I come
in. It's about that internal

transformational work, and this
is this is where leaders are

most open, I find.

Speaker 2: So what is it that? I
guess, when people get to this

point, they achieve this goal,
get where they wanted to go, but

it's not what they thought it
was. Why isn't it what they

thought it was when they're
actually reaching and trying to

achieve this?

Speaker 1: Well, so for me it
comes down to four key elements,

and this is exactly what the
good life approaches is about.

This is why I created it,
because I had achieved so much

success in different areas of my
life as a nurse and my skill set

in my home life a beautiful home
, financially set, all good

things and then, internally,
things showed up in my life and

I went again to crash and burn.
And it's when you have to pay

back the things that keep
showing up for you, kingsley,

because I'm a mommy, I have
three boys and for me there was

things that were mirroring in my
life that I really did not like,

but they had been mirroring for
me over multiple years and I had

been doing small bits of work on
me, or I was ignoring these

elements and shoving them down,
just thinking they'll pass. This

next thing when I do this house,
it's going to make me happy when

I earn this title. It's going to
make me happy when I do. And

then you still come back to you

I always talk about your
internal image because we have

to. And it's when people go in
the dead of the night back to

themselves, kingsley, after
they've achieved whatever

they've been asking for can you
go and stand in the mirror bare,

naked, raw, and just look at
yourself, look into your soul,

look into your eyes and actually
ask yourself do I love myself,

do I appreciate myself? But then
ask yourself, what is my vision

for me, for my future? For if
you're the ripple effect, this

is why I find it's so powerful
work of leaders, because leaders

are there to lead and they have
a phenomenal source as a ripple

effect, as a positive impact
down to others, whether it's the

team at the lead, whether it's
the families, whether it's the

community, they are the
gatekeepers for that expanse for

so many others. So, by helping
leaders transform what is your

vision for why you want to lead
where you want to go your life,

what is your values? How does
your professional values, your

business values, your team
values, align with your home,

your personal values, because
most people tick one over the

other and then find that they're
lacking. But these have to

always go and flow. They have to

Look at your mission. Why are
you here? What's your purpose?

Why do you get up in the morning
? Why are you doing what you're

doing? Is it just for a pay
check? Is it to make all our

lives better? Is it to give
somebody a good product that's

going to make their life easier?
And what are your goals? Have

you reached them and yourself
dissatisfied? So this is what I

find and I have found personally
, kingsley is what's

transforming people's lives, not
just in one element, but adding

all these four in. And that is
why the good life approach is

born, because it's just so
powerful. Does that make sense?

Speaker 2: 100%, and it's like
that wasn't just here's an

answer. There was so much depth
into what you just said there,

like that is a massive, massive
amount of things and it could

easily be. You could listen to
that and go, wow, that's a

little bit overwhelming. How do
I know? How do I put this

together? I'm not sure where I
feel with all of this about my

work, my product, my family, my
everything else. I'm not sure

where it fits. So how do you
break it down? So that, because

there are some people who are
incredibly successful in some

areas, but not necessarily
others as well. So how do you

break that down and make sure
that, as you said, you can stand

in front of that mirror and look
yourself dead in the eyes and

ask yourself those questions and
be happy with the answers you

give yourself?

Speaker 1: So you can break it
down into so many ways, kingsley

, and I talk about the seven
levels of awareness. We are all

exactly where we're meant to be
in this moment in time. So,

whether you're watching this
podcast now, whether you're

watching it weeks or months down
the line, it doesn't matter

exactly where you're meant to be
in this moment in time and space

, that you're watching this in
your level of awareness. You've

needed to hear something tick
and nugget of information. Maybe

it has reached out to me, maybe
it has reached out to you, maybe

it's to go and Google something,
look up something, and for me,

with the Good Life approach,
it's understanding and being

able to offer people at those
different stages different

levels of coaching. So my main
coaching program will be a six

months transformational program,
kingsley, and that's for those

that are ready, really set.
They've done some personal

development, some self-help,
some self-help watching all the

freebies, or where they've done
some paid programs and they

understand the benefit, but
they're like, yeah, okay, it's

not a quick fix and they're
ready to go deeper.

Or I created a four-week program
which is starting now, next week

or next month sorry, in the 16th
of November and that's four

weeks from burnout to brilliance
and that's aligning leaders to

So that's taking that concept

and breaking it in the four
weeks looking, making it

bite-sized chunks. I also do
one-to-one alignment sessions,

so that's for people that are
just kind of going. I have zero

interest, I don't even know what
a goal is, I have no mission, I

just want to feel better, I just
want to be okay in my day, and

that's where I help them day on
load. They let go of that

limiting beliefs, those baggage,
that negative attachments, and

then empower them through a
visionary process, cause you

know yourself, we think in
pictures. So it's about baby

steps for each person to
actually let them connect. Or

you can just jump on a call and
have a conversation because they

don't know about you, kings and
the Clients. But sometimes

people will talk to me and the
reason they came for it is not

the reason they're there at all,
and that's then, as a coach, as

a mentor, how our skillset and
our intuition, how what makes us

unique, they connected that.

Speaker 2: Now that happens very
often. Actually, I've noticed

very, very common People are
thinking of going for one thing,

but it's actually a completely
different thing altogether when

they get there and they start
asking themselves those

questions. So you mentioned,
about several different, I guess

, aspects that you run through
with your program Can you

outline just basically, because
obviously this is, these are

different things that every one
of us needs to apply to our own

life in some degree. So what is
a just general overview of what

those seven aspects are?

Speaker 1: Well, the seven
levels of awareness, these

aren't the big six month program
, but it's something that I

introduce people to. It's a free
thing, words, just asking

yourself so are you constantly
in that fight or flight? Are you

constantly in that, ah, reacting
to everything, to everyone, to

the physical world, to the red
light, to stubbing your toe, to

spilling your coffee, to someone
not sent in an email or not

doing a job? Is your world
constantly, your internal being,

constantly in that, where your
heart's racing? It's that

anxiety and you're just fueling
yourself. You're not eating

right, you're not sleeping right
, all of that. Or the next level

is the mass consciousness. Are
you just going about your day?

Get up, do what you do, eat the
exact same thing, drink the same

thing, take the same action,
drive the same route, do the

same thing, say the same thing
verbally to your colleagues when

you get in or turn on your
computer or your phone. It's

about never questioning, never
stepping out of your comfort

zone and there's no judgment
here, kingsley, it just is what

it is.

Speaker 2: So I always no
intentionality, which is how

most of us tend to live.

Speaker 1: Yes. So this is just
your automatic programming, and

so I find this really beneficial
for people to just start without

judgment, ask in themselves.
Okay, ask a better question.

Where am I at? Do I not question
anything? Am I in my comfort

zone? Am I just cruising along
on my day, but yet I feel

Or are you at the aspiration

phase? Are you at that phase of
wanting to discover who you

truly are, of wanting to
discover more about you, how you

operate? And this is where
you're tuning into your heart,

you're tuning into your energy,
you're going I know that there's

something more or where
synchronicity is coming, or what

we call coincidences, and you've
been inaligned with something

and it's flowed and everything's
coming in. You're like, oh my

God, I can stay in this flow
state way longer. How do I do

So there's loads of different

levels and it takes you right up
to a place where your achieving

goals, you have, if you imagine,
an onion. You have pilled those

layers back, but when you get to
certain standard, kingsley, so

for me, our transition into
Australia was a form of mastery

for me in this big goal achieved
, which for me, just meant that

my standard of being internally,
my set point of me, my belief in

me, haven't achieved this,
brought it into fruition. This

was my new rest and step, my new
energy. So it doesn't mean that

you just hang up your boots and
you're done. You're like, yeah,

forget about it. This means that
you're ready to go again, but

your new state, your new rest
and state, your new level of

awareness, has completely

Speaker 2: You've more belief in
yourself, because you've pushed

yourself to a certain point,
you've got out of your comfort

zone. You've pushed yourself,
you've gone for something, and

now that's made you a bigger
person as a whole. And so now

other things that may have
previously been impossible and

now become possible to actually
achieve or to do or to become.

Speaker 1: A hundred thousand
percent. Like I look back,

kingsley, three years ago, I
look back to because you can

only join the dots looking back.
So, when you look back at

different stages in your life
where you were afraid to do

something, where you were afraid
to go for the job interview,

where you were, I didn't think I
was worthy to do a nursing

degree. At one point in my life,
at one point in my life I didn't

think I was worthy to buy a
laptop to do study.

Now, this is the crazy concepts
that we hold in our mind of

limiting behaviors, of lacking
confidence, of not feeling

worthy or enough. But if you
imagine, we are all on this

dimmer switch and every time you
climb that ladder of self-belief

, self-awareness, every time you
step out of your comfort zone,

every time you listen and align
to your heart, to your truth,

you brighten your light. And the
thing is, kingsley, when you

allow your light to shine, you
give permission for others to do

the same, because you become
that ripple effect and you

radiate out to everybody else
and, before you know it, people

are gathering to you in a sense
of what have you done? How can I

do that? It's almost like some
people are there waiting for

permission, isn't it to shine?

Speaker 2: They're waiting for
somebody else to go. They've

done it. I can do this. I can be
that person. I can step out of

where I am now and I can start
to shine.

Speaker 1: I was that person
when I met my mentor no, I was

the one waiting for permission
to shine until I met my mentor

and she told me don't borrow my
belief until you have your own.

Borrow mine, because I believe
in you. I see the qualities in

you that you cannot yet see in
yourself, and this is part of

the process, and this is why I
love doing what I do, kingsley,

because it's that process. And
then you get to her and you're

like oh my God, what was that
all about?

Speaker 2: So let me take you
back there for a sec. So you

needed someone to come alongside
of you and help you shine, pull

out what was inside of you.
Basically, it was already there.

How how hard was it to do that?
Like, did you have an internal

fight with yourself about, yes,
I can, no, I can't, I'm going to

push, no, I'm going to pull back
? What was that like?

Speaker 1: It wasn't a quick fix
pill. There's no such thing for

me. So the program that I now
facilitate is called thinking

under results, and that is the
exact program that I went

through with my mentor Now my
mentor. When I met her, I knew

in an instant there was no going
back and forth. I didn't have

the money, I hadn't the clue
where it would come from. All I

knew was it's something in my
heart ignited and what they were

saying rang true to my soul. I
didn't believe in myself. I

couldn't see the person that
they were telling me I was. I

could see some qualities, but
it's to give this veil over

yourself and you're not really
supported or allowed to shine.

But it's really ourselves. Our
internal program and our

experiences are life things, but
when you understand, so it's


Speaker 2: Yeah, if someone's
asked to hold their selves back,

is that right?

Speaker 1: 100,000,. We are the
boss of us.

Speaker 2: What is it that makes
us hold ourselves back?

Speaker 1: It's what we call our
part time, and your part time is

simply, if you imagine a
rucksack in your back of all

these different beliefs that you
have and the best exercise I

always give people to do,
kingsley, the easiest way I can

tell people to do this or get
them to do this and experience

it for themselves, is get a
blank page, draw a line in the

middle. What things, what
qualities, what attributes have

you got that you absolutely love
? What things then, on the other

side, would you like to improve?
How would they benefit your life

if you improved?
A lot of people say I'm a

procrastinator, I suffer from
imposter syndrome, I'm not good

enough, I don't have enough
confidence, I'm not a great

communicator, but when you
understand that you can

transform this. That it's us. We
control our thoughts. We have an

intellect. We operate on three
different levels. We have this

intellect, this mind, this brain
, this thing that gives us a

focus where we can say, yes, I
accept this thought that has

come in, or I reject it. And
then we have the choice then to

accept whether or not we accept
the feeling that it's just

latched on because it's part of
an old program, but we carry

these beliefs on our backings
like, and it's about unloading

them one or two at a time, and
this is where constant space

repetition is key to

This is my belief. This is how I
learned. This is what I see in

my own life. This is how things
translate. I've been through

three huge emotional impacts in
my own life and they catapulted

me. But it was only the third
one, when I was 40 Kingsley,

because it was not just me, but
it was me, my husband and our

three boys. So that catalyst,
that connection was with my kids

and go on hell. No, it's no time
to stop mess and stop fluent,

stop tiptoeing about. It's time
to go full and so somebody's

listening to this right now.

Speaker 2: They're feeling that
way. They're feeling what you've

gone through, what you've done
and, like you said, unlocking,

unpacking the rocks out of that
backpack so that you can move

forward. How does someone
actually do that? Practically

Take us down to to rare raw. How
do we actually do that?

Speaker 1: So, first of all,
it's about understanding that we

are more than just a bag of
bones. I like and I'll stay a

walk and talk and bag of bones
and we are walking, talking bag

of bones that is magnetized, so
we're like a big magnetized

skeleton and we're just walking
about. This is what gives us the

functionality to take action. We
also have the intellect, which

we talked about. So we have the
choice, the power of choice. I

didn't know this, I didn't know
it until my second big emotional

impact. So we have the power of
choice, we have the power to

actually control, but we also
operate from a spiritual side,

this spiritual being within us.
So all the different thought

processes that you're hearing or
that you're feeling within you.

It's about taking you back to
the core foundations, kingsley,

and actually assessing, looking
from a neutral point of view,

where am I at? What are the
things that are working for me?

Because even just going back to
the basics, kingsley, you can't

just dump a whole load of stuff
on the table and say, okay, this

is because you're going to get
overwhelmed and you're going to

turn on your heels and that
start before you even begin. So

it's a process and what I take
people through is a foundational

You first need to understand

what a goal is, and what I mean
by that is a goal is to grow. To

grow you, in your awareness, in
your confidence, in your belief

in you. Because how can you
expect to have the courage, have

the resiliency, bring that
strength, unpack all the stuff

that you've been busy over your
lifetime stuff and down so hard?

How can you expect to unveil or
brighten these qualities when

you have no concept about where
you are at this moment in time?

So it's about sitting down and
breaking everything back to okay

, where are you at in your life,
in your reality? What's showing

up for you, what is the most
prominent thing that's showing

up that you feel is constantly
in your radar, that if it was

fixed, if it was worked on, it
would make things a whole lot

Because when you look at that,

kingsley, usually you will have
a list of a lot of things, but

you have the one thing that's
going to have that impact and

then you can go and do the
different behaviors under the

different programs. You go in
there understanding about your

intellect, about your spiritual
side, about the power of our

vibration, about everything
coming from us. We talk about

the stick person. We break down
your conscious mind, your

unconscious, but these are all
different layers that are added

over constant spaced repetition
so that you have that awareness,

you have that support and
accountability to take those

first steps. Does that make
sense to actually bring you to

the next level? And that's
important? Can you just make a


Speaker 2: It sounds like that
even though there's three

different elements obviously
your physical bag of bones, as

you like to say, then you've got
the mental or the intellectual

side, and then you've got the
spiritual side but the way

you're describing it is, even
though they're separate, they're

all totally entwined and work
together and you need each of

the others to actually be able
to get the others to work

properly as well. So they have
to be functioning properly

together. Is that right?

Speaker 1: Well, the question I
would put you is would you, if

you'd never taken any driving
lessons, jump on their car

probably more a manual car, but
would you jump in and feel

confident and drive down a
motorway or take a two-hour trip

down south? Yeah, absolutely
would not, because you wouldn't

have a clue within the car, you
wouldn't have the lights, you

wouldn't have the gear stick to
know your gears to work, your

engine, your engine and your
gear stick in your clutch would

probably be blowing out by
getting down the street. But we

are not taught as a society in
this physical world. We are not

taught in primary school and
secondary school how we actually

operate. That manifestation is
simply to make real. But there

are universal laws that have
been people have been aware of

for hundreds of years.
Kingsley, if you ask the

majority of successful people,
they are all aware of themselves

, of their internal being.
They know who they are in truth.

They don't understand that they
are connected to something

bigger than just this physical
body and they know how to tune

in. And this is where we get the
inspired ideas, this is where we

get our intuitive hits, this is
where we can get into that flow

state where we then take the
physical bag of bone action. And

then it's not about being lucky,
it's not about being in the

right place at the right time.
It is about being aligned with

your vision, your values, your
mission and your goal so that

when you get these intuitive
hits, you know exactly who you

need to contact Intuitively, you
know what email, what phone call

you need to make, what chat show
, what podcast, whatever you

need to do, what program you
need to do next, because I still

have a coach to this day a
mindset coach, kingsley, and a

business coach, because business
isn't my expertise, so go to

people in the know. This is the
best way to explain it all.

Speaker 2: Yeah, no, it's huge
and it's like when you were

explaining it before it's very,
very big but at the same time

it's not. It's quite simple at
the same time and it does all

work together. But it's a matter
of knowing how to take the steps

, I guess, and being able to
move through from one stage to

the next and understand. I guess
, because sometimes we do get

those intuitive things and we're
not sure what to do with that,

because very often in our
Western culture it's like no,

where's the figures? Point this
out. I need to see exactly how

it's going to work and what's
going to happen before we do

anything. But yet I know all of
the people that I look to and

listen to, all the very
successful people. Every one of

them is like that's great.
But this is, I often work out of

my gut, because I just know what
to do and when I don't do it, it

doesn't work so well, and that's
quite often. They say that

Obviously you don't throw away
the figures and the intellect,

because obviously that's
incredibly important. That's an

essential side, but we don't
want to totally dismiss the

spiritual side either, or the
guts. I guess, when you've got

that intuition or whatever it is
, like you said, of knowing who

I need to talk to or the phone
call I need to make, or whatever

it is as well. So how do you
know? Because sometimes we think

about things and sometimes it's
and we don't know. Look, is that

? Should I just do that, or is
that just something I thought of

? Maybe I'll put off and do
something down the track? How do

you know what's the best way to
go with that? Because sometimes

if you do some things out of the
intuition, it can end up pretty

disastrous. So how do we bring
those into alignment?

Speaker 1: So as we go into the
gem of working a muscle, you are

working your mindset muscle,
because mind is in every single

cell of our body. It's not a
singular thing, it's not a

one-point thing. We are all in
this physical body made of

energy. So if you went under a
curtain photography machine, you

would light up like a Christmas
tree for those that enjoy fax

figure science based and all
science and all theology,

Kingsley, over hundreds of years
, only ever agreed on one point,

and that is that we become what
we think about. So if you think

of your intuition, we all have
it. It's just a muscle and it's

about building that muscle. So
when you're intuitively doing

things and they haven't gone how
you expected, look at it. Is it

a lesson or is it a blessing?
What did I learn from this? That

another opportunity is presented
and I've learned from this

experience. But if I hadn't had
this experience? Because our

logic, our educated, our left
brain mind, which I very much

was is always trying to figure
out the how.

But in the spiritual side, it is
not about figuring out the how,

it is about letting go and
tuning in and understand that,

whether your point of reference
is the universe, God, source,

infinite intelligence or whether
you've no affinity. Know that we

are all connected to something
bigger than us in this physical

thing and that when you know
something in your heart, when

you know something and you know
that you know, but everything's

screaming on paper or other
people are sending, that's not

the way, that's not the right
thing. But something in you,

your best self, is telling you
sit up, pay attention, trust

yourself, and it's only be
taking the action Kingsley, and

actually stepping forward under
this, trusting yourself. And

remember, feeling is not a
failure, Feeling is, it is

bringing yourself forward.
People feel all the time.

I feel all the time and for me
that's a win Because it's not a

failure that's defined by
society. Feeling for me is part

of the passage it's right of
passage to to that success, to

that achievement, because it's a
step in stones that brings you

to where you want to go, and
it's the universe paving that

path. But it's up to us. We
can't just sit back and go okay,

give me what I want or create a
goal and then go and give it to

me and I'm going to start here
with my arms folded. You have to

intuitive hit to get absolutely.

Speaker 2: Absolutely. And I
know, and I was just listening

to the other day, the lady who I
cannot remember her name right

now who started Spanx.

Speaker 1: I do yeah. Okay thank
you, thank you.

Speaker 2: No, I know you soon
as we heard it. But when she was

growing up, her dad would sit
them at the at the dinner table

having dinner and he would say
to the kids, her and her

brothers, she say you say, what
did you fail at today? And Every

single day they had to have
something that they tried and

failed at to bring to him. And
she said that just put a whole

new light on failure, because it
didn't just make Allowance for

it pushed us to where we wanted
to do something, where we knew

we would fail, and we had to
keep pushing. And then, when it

came to creating Spanx like her
story is phenomenal about how

she did it.
Sarah Blakely, that's her, yeah,

and how she actually had to put
through, push through really

hard and so much Opposition to
get there and, like you were

saying, people were telling her
not to but she's like, no, I

know this can work. And she
found one guy who would actually

make the first lot of Spanx for
her. She said they're a

nightmare, but they worked and
people wanted them. But there

was only one person she could
find would actually work with

her to create this thing and he
was, I think, a few hours drive

away. So she had to drive, take
the materials, get him to do

them and then pick them up and
bring them back again. And

that's how it all started. But
it took a long, long time for

that to happen.
But that was her thing, which

she's like I know this is going
to work. I know it's going to

work and that and what you were
talking about being afraid of

failure, with her dad sitting
them down as kids at the dinner

table and saying, what did you
fail at today? Because he wasn't

interested in what they were
successful. Well, he was

interested in what they were
successful at, but he wanted to

know had they tried something
new, had they pushed themselves

to a point of failure. Uh, and
that totally changed her

perspective on everything and
allowed her then to go down that

track, down that path to create
this incredible brand. Now that

was worth, you know, I don't
know how many billion now, but a

lot of dollar that you square it
was just phenomenal.

And I think that's an example of
a story, of what you're talking

about With everything but she
would have had a powerful vision


Speaker 1: So any times that,
through all those knockbacks,

through all the people town her
know, through all that process,

she has held her vision. She has
gone under her mind where nobody

else can go. She's had that
strength, had that persistence,

built that resiliency, built all
those muscles to strengthen her

armor, so that her core, her
being, her trust in herself, her

faith, knowing it was going to
bring her everything she desired

, kept her going in the darkest
of times. And that's for each of

us, kingsley. It's not always an
easy ride and you don't just

come and the ease and flow all
of a sudden and it's a magical

pill and you'll never go.
Life happens For everybody. So

it's about utilizing your wisdom
and learning what is my vision

here, not not your neighbors,
not your partners, not even your

kids. What is my vision, what is
my heart calling me to do? What

is it that I am here to to do?
To bring to life? And when you

focus on that, no matter what
comes your way, you learn the

ability to go back and hold that
vision until it comes in the

form. And then you just go again
and again, and again.

But the never-ending this
journey's not one and done for


Speaker 2: Absolutely.
So, it's never ending and that's

what tomorrow is not. Today is
all about actually knowing that

stuff's going to happen. And you
got to be prepared and knowing

that you know that's just today,
it's not tomorrow, and then

tomorrow is going to be
fantastic, but you got to know

that as well, afterwards it's
going to be something else

that's going to come and hit us
and but am I in a good position

of? I put myself in a good,
strong position mentally,

physically, emotionally,
spiritually, all of these ways,

so that when it does happen, you
know what I know. It's just a

lesson, it's just something I
can learn from that happens and

I can still push through and
make stuff happen as well. So

you did. Thank you for
summarizing tomorrow is not the

day. You did a great job.

Speaker 1: I'm an allatement,
that's why I'm on here. Can't

see that. Definitely connected.
It's the staff power, yeah.

Speaker 2: Yeah, it's exciting.
Um, we just about. Unfortunately

, time is just about up, so that
went like ridiculously fast.

Speaker 1: Yeah, and.

Speaker 2: I hope people will go
back and listen to this again,

because you put so many gold
nuggets in here for people to

pick up, so many different
things that to, like I said,

take time, build the muscle,
take time, use it, build the

muscle and learn and grow With
it as we go. But I've got a

couple of things before we
before I get under the last

couple of questions. Number one
how can people find you, connect

with you, follow you, etc. Etc.

Speaker 1: Yeah, so at the
moment, Kingsley, I'm working on

a few different things that
there was a new website and that

. So At the moment, you can find
me on linkedin, instagram or my

tm in places at the moment, and
then you can find me on facebook

as well. So, yeah, that's my
main leads at the moment.

Speaker 2: And how do we go look
for the good life coach? Do we

look for donna?

Speaker 1: Yeah, that would be
good. Sorry, just simply click

in donna martin, the good life
coach, and you will find me on

linkedin. And if you like
connecting in person, having a

conversation, having a chat, or
you want to know more about how

I share in the process of
business mindset and being your

authentic self, I co-host a
weekly audio event on exactly

that top of Kingsley every
Thursday morning. It's 6 am,

perth, western Australian time,
and it's called being your

authentic self in business,
where we talk about business,

business help, marketing, all
things mindset and how you can

bring it back and alignment with
you to be your authentic self.

So I've it's been running over a
year now and it's really

powerful, yeah.

Speaker 2: Yeah, awesome. No,
that's fantastic. Now, last

couple of questions. Yeah, and
you, you went over before

talking about what you do is
what we call here create the

life you want, and that's
exactly what you've described.

What you do, which is alignment
again, which is fantastic. But

two questions before we before
we go. Number one we talk about

the ultimate tomorrow here,
because that's what we're all

about creating. So what is the
ultimate tomorrow?

Speaker 1: Hmm, good question.
For me, it's living my life my

way, in my own terms, and so
tomorrow? For me, today Is where

I'm living my life, my way, in
my own terms, today, in this

style, in this moment, with
what's shown up, while also

intentionally designing For my
tomorrow. So tomorrow I'm going

to be a step forward from where
I am today. I'm going to be in a

different space, so it's sitting
in that intentionality and

awareness of I'm exactly where
I'm meant to be. So that's your

question I love that.

Speaker 2: I love that. Normally
I go straight to the next

question that I just want to
come in in there On the back of

that, because a lot of people
think the ultimate tomorrow is

about tomorrow. But to me the
ultimate tomorrow is living now

In the way we want to live, like
you just described, to help us

better tomorrow, so that it is
an ultimate tomorrow, but we

plan it now and we live now as
if we are in that place,

planning strategic,
intentionally living the life

that we want to live. So I love
that answer you gave. It was

fantastic. And then the other
one and we sort of just answered

it, but maybe you got a little
bit of a twist on this is how do

you create your ultimate

Speaker 1: It's exactly the four
key pillars of the Good Life

approach Looking, deciding for
you what is your vision for your

life, what are your values, what
is your mission, why are you

here and what goals do you need
to create in alignment, what

that's? So if you take them for
key pillars, you are, in essence

, creating your own Good Life
through intentional design. And

Neville Goddard, one of the guys
I always study, he's the power

of awareness. It is a phenomenal
game changing book, kingsley, if

you haven't heard it and for the
people listening there called

the power of awareness. His
name's Neville Goddard and he

always talks about living from
the end. And this is what I

teach. This is how I live.
Every morning, as soon as I get

up, I'm straight under my
visualization, my auto

suggestion, my video that I've
recorded of my life script, of

who I am, what I am doing, how
my day is going, how my world is

. And this is me implanting that
every single day through

intentional design, and this is
the power of it. So you have to

get clear on these aspects and
sit with them. Now. Be that

person now. What qualities, what
attributes, how would they be

shown up? How would they be
responding to things instead of

reacting. It's not about the
reflection of your current bank

balance, because where you're at
today, kingsley, is from past

thinking, it's from past
programming. So know that every

moment that you're in right now,
everything you do from this

moment, is building your future.
It's elevating you or it's

holding you back. So that's just
how I operate and that's how I

teach my kids to operate. This
is the ripple effect that we're

talking about, as it works.

Speaker 2: Yeah, fantastic Donna
. Thank you so much for joining

us on the Tomorrow's Not Today

Speaker 1: There's so much great
stuff there.

Speaker 2: You're welcome. I do
love the alignment that's

happened. That was awesome as
well. And make sure I go ahead.

Find Donna on LinkedIn, facebook
, instagram, wherever you like,

find and get some of this, jump
on to one of those fortnightly

calls as well and connect with
her, and I'm sure if people

connect with you on LinkedIn,
you'll answer their questions.

Speaker 1: Let them know exactly
how to jump on those calls and

get that happening as well.

Speaker 2: Fantastic Also, donna
. Thank you so much. Have a

fantastic day.

Speaker 1: You're so welcome,
thanks I.

Speaker 2: Create the life you

Speaker 1: Yeah.

Creators and Guests

Kingsley Colley
Kingsley Colley
Tomorrow is Not Today Podcast Host - Author, Speaker, Coach
Uncovering Unconscious Competence and Living Intentionally: A Dialogue with Good Life Coach Donna Martin
Broadcast by