Harnessing Darkness to Fuel Success: A Conversation with Psychologist Ian Rumsey

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In this episode of the Tomorrow Is Not Today podcast, host Kingsley Colley sits down with psychologist Ian Rumsey to navigate the intricacies of mental health, anxiety, and the transformative power of personal trials in the business world. 

Ian shares his insights on confronting and managing psychological barriers, leveraging personal trauma as a superpower, and the importance of cultural dynamics in fostering a positive work environment. 

This conversation uncovers practical strategies for individuals and employers to thrive by acknowledging and addressing mental health challenges, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling life and successful career.

Introduction to Mental Health and Entrepreneurship reaching a critical point...
Transforming Trauma into superpower doesn't define who you are...
Navigating Work-Life Balance for Success
Breaking Shame and Fostering Genuine Connections 
Proactive Mental Health Strategies for Individuals and Employers starting to create the life you want...

Creators and Guests

Kingsley Colley
Kingsley Colley
Tomorrow is Not Today Podcast Host - Author, Speaker, Coach
 Harnessing Darkness to Fuel Success: A Conversation with Psychologist Ian Rumsey
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